[Creator Focus] The Story of 'Pponi', Who Chose YouTube Creator over Office Life
#Creator Focus
The Story of YouTuber ‘Pponi’ Who Chose Youtube over Office Life
Going to college, getting a job, getting married and so on. Our society defines these as an ‘ordinary life’, and we often face pressure to follow this route.
We met and interviewed YouTube creator ‘Pponi’, who is walking her own way of life, even though she often feels anxiety about her ‘unusual’ life.
Pponi started a bread reviewing channel to break the habit of binging and fasting. At the beginning she prepared for getting a job and worked as an YouTube creator at the same time.
She is now working as a full-time YouTuber because she realized how she loves creating YouTube videos and she wanted to live the way she wanted to.
Now let’s meet Pponi, an YouTube creator with 90k subscribers, who is showing her true self through her channel, from bread reviews to daily life.
Q. Nice to meet you, Pponi! Please introduce yourself briefly to the readers.
A. Nice to meet you, everyone! I’m Pponi, and I run a channel named “BreadTube” for people who is crazy for bread.
I am not an expert of bread, but I have a picky taste for bread. I try to describe the taste of bread as detailed as possible, and I also go out of my way to make every possible contents I can try with bread.
#Mukbang_with_details #Lazy_Perfectionist
Q. You’ve been making videos that you eat and review breads. Many people find your videos easy to watch because you give us such a detailed description about taste, and also don’t try to eat a large amount like many other ‘mukbang’ youtubers do.
As a ‘mukbang’ and a review YouTuber, what is the point you care about the most when you create videos?
A. Usually, many people think of eating a lot when it comes to ‘mukbang’. I think being able to eat a lot is what you are born with, but unfortunately I haven’t. So I asked myself “What is my strength that can fill the gaps in?”
I started off with thinking about in what part I had thirst when watching ‘mukbang’ videos. It was detailed descriptions about taste. I felt like asking “That looks so good! So how does it taste?” That’s why I decided to quench that thirst in my video.
As increasing number of fans like how I don’t overeat, I was more assured about not overeating in my videos. There are many kind of food lovers, and savoring the taste without eating a lot can be one way to enjoy eating.
In fact, I sometimes feel bad about not being able to eat a lot. Instead of eating a lot, I am trying to film and deliver as much details as possible to improve the quality of my videos.

Q. You upload videos quite frequently, and also you are known to be a well-organized person to your fans. Being a full-time YouTuber and a freelancer at the same time, what is your tip to manage your schedule?
Yes, I am an extreme plan-oriented person. But you may have not known that I am a lazy perfectionist… There are some days that I plan perfectly, and then just spend the whole day lying down.)
As for schedule management, I plan contents for the next 2-3 months in advance. First, I list every regular content, new content I want to try, and what the subscribers want to see in my iPad memo. And then I organize them one-by-one in my calendar app.
As twice or three times a week is my regular upload cycle, two or three contents are distributed for a week considering editing time and other situations. After that I can roughly schedule when to finish filming and editing.
When the date to carry out the plan approaches, I make more detailed time plan in my weekly scheduler.
The reason why I care so much about planning is because I am a lazy person. I am born to be a lazy person, so if I don’t make a plan I know my execution rate will be 0%.
Pretending to be a well-organized person makes me carry out at least 50% of them. To be honest, there is no special tip for scheduling. It would be right to say that planning is a healthy way of disciplining my lazy self.
Writing down all of things in a scheduler, marking whether I’ve completed the tasks, feeling a sense of achievement and getting rid of my laziness are all part of this process.
As I am a freelancer and I don’t have a specific time to leave a work, I often forget to have a rest. That is why I am recently trying to schedule at least a day off!
#Wearing_Three_Hats #Passion_for_Acting
Q. It’s impossible to leave out the character ‘Bon-hee-Jour’ from ‘the dessert salon,’ as well as Lee BoHyeon from Vlog and Pponi the bread reviewer. What inspired you to build this fatally attractive character?
A. When I was in college, I was a member of a theater club. I still have desire and passion for acting. I am not a professional, but still I know how to act. So I wanted to use this in my contents.
Characters that I can act the best is buttery, annoying but addictive ones. Those characters make you scream but you cannot take your eyes off of them. I think it’s an evil talent (laughs).
I thought content that fits the best with this kind of acting was a review of fancy, yet expensive desserts. That’s how I created “The Dessert Salon’, and its character ‘Bon-hee-Jour’.
I planned this content and character quite a long time ago, but I am a timid person. Even starting a YouTube channel took more than 1 year of consideration. “I want to try this… but would it be okay to show a character that is such a buttery snob?”
I was keep putting off uploading this content until Kang Yu-Mi(famous comedian / YouTuber of Korea) uploaded her ASMR content.
I got courage to publish this content from her video, and I am relieved that these type of buttery characters are getting popular among people these days.
Q. I was surprised that you don’t have a script for filming 'the Desert Salon’. How did you develop your expression skills and ability to get across to people you’ve been showing in your videos?
A. As I said, I learned a lot from the theater club when it comes to acting and attracting attentions from others. In addition to this, my evil buttery acting talent was a special kick for this character.
Those buttery words and actions comes out very naturally. I like teasing my friends with this. My colleagues from management company have been victims for a while.
I am not sure of how I developed my expressions skills. Maybe it would be something running in my family, since some of my relatives are working as actors or voice actors. Maybe I am one of the inheritors of this talent.
This is the first time to tell anyone about this. The name of the character, ‘Bon-hee-Jour’ was an improvised name, even though the name ‘Dessert Salon’ was made a while ago.

Q. I’ve noticed that you are putting a lot of effort on editing, as well as planning contents. How long does it usually take to publish one video?
A. As for contents short as 10 minutes long, it usually takes less than 7 hours. Longer video takes as long as 13 hours. It is my rule to work for 50 minutes and take a 10 minutes rest when editing(Pomodoro technique), so I know exactly how long it takes.
I am not sure for the reason it takes so long, though. Maybe it’s just because I am not working efficiently enough, or it can be because I am putting a lot of effort on it.
Q. It seems that you frequently use sound effects and background music in your videos. What kind of BGMs do you prefer to use in your video? Also, what is your favorite BGM so far from SellBuyMusic?
A. I prefer BGMs that has peaceful and light mood, and are cheerful at the same time. In other words, music that lifts up the mood of the video, but does not get in the way of the flow of eating and speaking.
Because SellBuyMusic has a good amount of music that matches what I need, I am making a good use of your service. It has been very helpful for my video production. I would like to take this interview as an opportunity to thank SellBuyMusic and the music producers.
My favorite SellBuyMusic BGM was one from producer ‘Gee-Neon’. I’ve been using some of her music because they fits just right for my video. Then, one day the producer left a comment in my channel. I was so touched, and I am going to use more of Gee-Neon’s music from now on.
(Plus, I also love music by 'lunchmate'.)
Q. You majored in digital contents, and are creating contents yourself. Is there any other field you want to try in the future?
A. Well.. There are still too many things that I want to try in YouTube. I sometimes feel overwhelmed with what I want to upload on “BreadTube” channel.
If there is a chance, however, I want to try TickTock. People often say I have a ‘TickTock Vibe,’ and I dance for hobby. I think TickTock would be the perfect space to show my hobbies to others.
I am also planning to make an amateur theater club after Covid-19 dies down. I have a strong desire to be on a stage.
Being a home shopping host is another challenge I would like to take. I used to work part time in supermarkets, promoting food products in grocery stores when I was in college. I have confidence in doing it well.
Come to think of it, I realized that I also want to try many other things although I mentioned that I still have too many things to try on YouTube.
#Consolement_and_Courage #To_One_Another
Q. You explained why you started running a channel in a very humble way, but I am sure that starting YouTube channel requires great courage. Was there any difficulty showing your private self to public in videos?
A. At first it wasn’t difficult. “What I think is always right for me. People think differently, and there may be some people who don’t agree with me. But anyway I am going to say what I want to say,” was what I thought.
These days, however, I often feel scared and hesitant to say what I want to. As more people are watching my videos now, I am feeling the pressure of it. I don’t think I say something hurtful, but I am afraid if it would hurt someone's feeling without being intended. We always need to be careful of what we say and do.
Besides, I am now having an mental therapy. Sometimes I feel like crushing on an invisible wall I made by myself. Whenever that happens I feel I’ve been thrown off the track.
Nevertheless, I get courage to show myself out thanks to ones who tell me their stories first. I keep telling this to myself : “Don’t overdo yourself. It’s okay to talk only when you have a courage to, and you have enough energy.”
Q. In your past interview, you said you wanted to be a person who influence others in a positive way. I personally got so much courage and was consoled after hearing your story in collaboration video with Ahn Ye-Eun(Singer-Songwriter of Korea) and reading comments your fans have left in that video. What gives you courage?
A. What you now said gave me a courage. I am puffed up now. Thank you very much.
I am encouraged when I can feel people who are watching my videos and caring for me. In specific, when I see comments saying they smiled or laughed because of my video, or when someone recognizes me off-line and says hi, or when I get DMs or emails saying thank you.
It is the warmth of people, not figures like the number of subscribers and view hits that encourages me.
These people were my energy when I was going through hard time. That’s why I often call my fans “life savers”.
These days we can see more late boomers in media. I get courage from those people too. They make me think I should not give up because I am going slow. I believe that if I go slow and steady, people will stand by my side.
Q. What would you like to say to your fans, “Ppang-daeng-Yee” (Cute way of saying hip in Korean) before we wrap up the interview?
A. Love you so much, my life savers! (mwah)
We all think differently, experience different things, and are living different lives, but I love you all the same. Thank you for watching my videos even though I am doing this for my joy. I live on what you guys give. Thank you so much.
For the last, I sometimes feel sorry for naming you “Ppang-daeng-Yee”
(p.s. I recommend you to find music from “SellBuyMusic” if you are planning to make a video. I guarantee that you will be able to find good quality music there.)
Interview with Pponi was such a warm and touching experience because of her uniqueness and cheerfulness we can feel in every corner of her words. Like how Pponi does, how about slowing down a little bit and finding your own pace of living?
I hope we can see this challengeable creator with lots of curiosity for a long time!
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