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[Creator Focus] Miso-Neogul Plays 'Double-Role' in Her Life

셀바이뮤직 2021. 12. 27. 10:57





#Creator Focus


Full time worker in the morning, YouTube creator at night. Miso-neogul plays double roll in her life.


The two biggest sayings for office workers are ‘I quit’ and ‘I’m making my own YouTube channel’. For me, there is a YouTube channel that started off with eager and got forgotten after uploading 3 videos. Today we sat down with whom will be a role-model for those who want to serve two ends.


Miso-neogul is a full time worker and a creator who is steadily creating contents from a long time from Naver blog to YouTube. Starting with beauty videos, now her Vlog shows her working in service areas naturally and gets sympathy from many office workers at the same time.


Today we sat down with Miso-neogul, who cares consistently about her 8 million subscribers.






Q. Hello Miso-neogul! Please give a little introduction about yourself.

Hello everyone. I’m Miso-neogul, Jung Mina. I’m 38 years old, working as a full-time worker and having second job as a YouTube creator. 



 #Daily #V-log #New_Start

Q. You’ve been running from Naver blog to YouTube channel for a long time, and started as a beauty channel. Is there anything missing apart from 

 Well, I don’t regret anything.🤔  Majority of beauty creators these days are so talented and beautiful, made me feel like ‘’I shouldn’t start”. 🤗  But I feel like I made my choice well with daily v-logs and recording my daily life surely is a benefit.  


Q. Are there any parts or contents that you want to begin?

 I’m a big fan of mysterious channels so I want to start about mystery or horror contents. Also people mentioned about my voice as well so analysis about movie or dramas, and reading books are in my to do list.



#YouTube_after work #Full time job_You Tuber #Steadiness




Q. The way you upload your videos 2 to 3 in a week in a row during making up to office, and developing your channel by classifying contents considering subscriber’s taste showed your affection to your channel.

 I want to know how you handle and keep up with both jobs, and how you refresh yourself when hard times come by.

 Rather having a second job makes me more diligent and makes me uploads videos more. It’s a good thing that my daily life can be a v-log as well. At first I didn’t want to share my dailies but at some point there were comments like ‘I want more videos about office life’, ‘Isn’t there any videos with your husband?’ so I decided to divide up my v-log and started uploading.

 It’s a lie if I’m ever tired but I try to keep up by checking out my subscriber’s comments.




Q. You seem to be suit the word ‘Steadiness’. How you kept up with everything and not leaving things behind looks like important part of your growth of channel. Is there a secret about how you ran your channel until now?

 Each one of my videos are promises with my subscribers! When they watch my petty videos, laugh together, pat my back when I’m down, those kind of things make me energetic when shooting and editing videos.

Subscribers like who’ve been watching since their high school  and now became as a full-time worker, people who watched before marriage now had babies.. People who've watched my videos for a long time is the key to my good vibes.


And my husband is a big help. When I’m down with mean comments he cheers me up, usually after work I film and edit videos so he does all the chores, and lastly when I’m down he treats me with delicious food to make me high.






 #Lively_videos #Vivid_Sound


Q. You seem to be using a minimum wage of music only beginning of the video only shortly. Maybe it's because many people tend to like typical keyboard sounds from [Day at Office]. I want to know about the reason of the short music using, and the standard of your intro tracks.

My v-log itself is actually not to moody and try to be realistic, and like the question people like sounds from office and natural noises from around so I let music to just only lighten up the mood. I try to pick music according to the video's mood; mostly I use bright and fresh music! And also refer from SellBuyMusic's TOP10 chart.



Q. Any tracks that you want to recommend from SellBuyMusic?

Currently I’m into 'An afternoon date', 'Have to love', 'Seems to love you' 😏




​Q. Your videos are my radios, essentials when I get ready for work or have a meal. Tell me about your favorite channels/videos to get ready with.
​Oh well I appreciate that, thanks! There are plenty of them. I am a big fan of mysterious channels so I watch Diva Jessica, SinJiwoo, Kimwon tv. For daily v-log videos I usually watch GOSOO v-log, Shy Dodi, Spacegirl and I am also a big fan of love 'Love and Honor' so I love watching Chemi TV!




​Q. Your subscribers get a lot of comfort from you, and it looks like so are you. What does YouTube mean to  you?
​I'm actually an typical ordinary Jung Mina in her 30's like everybody does. But my YouTube makes me a special and loving person. And also can be my diary that puts all the small memories that can be forgotten. 
​Q. Last thing you want to say to your subscribers/fans?
​It's already been over 6 years since I started YouTube, the reason I can keep filming and editing videos is all because of my subscribers. My subscribers are like friends, sisters and brothers,  more than a fan. I'll always be where I am with calm and cute videos. Loyalty over love! You know that, right? Don't recall subscription and be with me until I get old as a granny 🤗
It was a great time for us too get to know Miso- Neogul. Every word she said contained affection of her channel and subscribers. Also we hope to see mysterious/horror contents she wants to do in a near future. As a fan who wants to see Miso-Neogul's  video for a long time, I will always be on her side!

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