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[Creator Focus] ASMR Su-Bong Talks About How to Get 10k Subscribers

셀바이뮤직 2021. 12. 15. 11:00



#Creator Focus 

Emerging of social media such as YouTube and TikTok, it became way easier for people to express their feelings and voices. Especially for YouTubers, each of videos contains their very own personality and makes it to get know more about them. 

So this time we arranged our first interview by spotlighting YouTubers. The first topic will be ASMR. It is now a familiar word and content for a lot of people.

Today we met ‘ASMR Su-Bong’, who is now a rising creator by roleplay ASMR. As reading her answers about interview questions, it was clear that she is expanding her possibilities with her passion about her contents. Let’s find out how ASMR Su-Bong started her career as a YouTuber, and how she is making her contents.





Q. Hello, Su-bong! Welcome. Please give us a little information about yourself! 

A. Hello everyone. I’m Su-Bong, making ASMR videos in YouTube. I once attended to a lecture hosted by the director of SellBuyMusic, since then I’m using my background music from SellBuyMusic for my channel.



#Starting_YouTube #1Million_Subscribers 

 Q. How did you get to start your career as a YouTuber? And is there a reason for choosing ASMR genre out of numerous genres? 

A. I had a chance to look around other ASMR videos through my friend who is an ASMR YouTuber. At that time I watched a movie called <Little Forest> and decided to make videos that makes people fulfill their minds, and ASMR was most effective way to express my will to start. I wanted to give a little healing to all the people who watch my videos.



Q. You’ve reached 1Million Subscribers! How do you feel about it? 

A. Thank you so much! It’s been a year and a half until I reached a million subscribers. I am so touched and hope to reach 10 million, to billion.


Q. What was the most important element of evolving your channel?

A. I think it’s how I turned my mind. I promised myself to keep focused during rapid growth of my channel. It grew after Girlfriend RP(Roleplay) face time, it was one of things that I didn’t expect to go viral, so I was lucky about that. 


Q. I was impressed by your cute roleplay concepts! Where do you get the inspiration and ideas about the contents of your video?

A. Oh thank you so much. Usually my inspirations come from other ASMR youtubers, movies, during my daily life and others! (+ I often watch animations and read fictions)



#Great communicator

  Q. I could see how you leave comments so nicely in your videos and Instagram. You seem like to have special affection to your subscribers/fans. Is there a reason you care so much about communication? (My personal thoughts were that communicating so well was the key to your channel growth!)

  A. It was due to my experience, when somebody left a comment to me I felt so good about it! The fact that I could communicate with someone that has no acquaintance with me was enjoyable. So I try to leave comments as possible as I can. 

Generally I reply on comments for an hour or as much as 3 hours right after I upload my videos! These days I have so many things to do so I click only likes and binge comments later. I feel sorry for not leaving comments right away.


  Q. Is there any memorable comments from your subscribers?

  A. Yes. They were like cheerful comments, “Keep it up Su-Bong!” “I went to sleep well because of you”, “Thanks to you I could concentrate well”, “I felt so bad, but got better. Thank you”.



#Slow & steady #Outstanding_ability

Q. Your channels have shown how you grew through mistakes from filming ASMR videos. Not trying to be perfect, but showing to subscribers who you really are was the attractive point of your channel. On the other side when you are filming it feels like you are driving everything quickly and put things into action. Do you progress everything quickly from planning to film? Tell us about your working style.

A. Too bad I’m a slow worker! When I stick to something, I generally do it all day or stay up all night. I do write to-do list every morning, but mostly don’t follow them. 

My daily schedule isn’t same all the time since I got lots of things to do other than producing, shooting, video editing. Just making myself happier than yesterday and hoping to get better every day is my daily goals!




Researcher Simulating Roleplay 




ASMR POLICE Detective’s Case Note 


Q. You’ve been working on TikTok, Tingles, Naver Audio Clips other than YouTube. Especially props that you care so much about! It seemed like you had so much energy and passion at working but on the other side seemed like it was hard to carry everything by yourself.

A. It’s always hard to take everything all by myself! So I get knocked out a lot! I don’t make everything perfect but just try to stay on track.

I’m currently not doing Audio clips, but started TikTok recently! People say I’m very diligent, but I only thought about starting Naver TV and haven’t made it yet for 2 years! I think I’m good at starting a new project but not so diligent. (Haha)

Other than that I preferred preparing props from as much as I could afford even when there was poor income from YouTube! It was not good for satisfaction but when I go through my old videos I still feel proud of them.


Q. What do you worry about these days?

A. I’m preparing a vlog channel and wondering the name of it.




#New years_resolution #To_Subscribers

Q. Is there any new year’s resolution in 2021 by far?

A. I hope to post videos once a week regularly this year. And also be a diligent person as others think of me!


Q. What service do you wish to us as a steady subscriber of SellBuyMusic?

A. As it turns out to be having an ASMR channel I use slow tempered songs. Out of them I like piano songs, hoping to see latest updates!


Q. Any compliments about SellBuyMusic?

A. It was the A.I. services! It was amazing. And cheap prices also come together. Mostly the songs are beneficial. My subscribers often give compliments about how background music are awesome.


Q. Last thing you want to say to your subscribers/fans?

A. Big thank you to all the subscribers who watch my videos. It might be an incomplete channel since I’m running this on my own and videos are uploaded irregularly but I’m sure that my affection will be shown on my video! Happy night, cozy dreams to you all. Bong night! Bong Dream!




 <Background Music from ASMR Su-Bong’s Video>

#Peaceful #Piano #Slow_tempo 



I was so touched by Su-Bong’s delicacy and thoughtfulness during the interview. She tries to stay close to her subscribers and that’s why she feels like an old friend of mine. We are hoping to see her vlog channel soon.

I felt like a community as worldwide creators are gathered in YouTube. We look forward to speak to other creators as soon as we can.

Then see you guys next time! 😊

(Original Source :


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